2021 Annual Report for Curtis Street Gardener LLC (CSG), 112 West Curtis Street, Tampa, Florida 33603
April 8th, 2022
Curtis Street Gardener LLC (CSG) is currently under development. It will soon (as of April 8th, 2022) open a commercial checking account, and has of today, obtained a FEIN, 88-1662491.
It does have currently, its own phone number, 813 501 6006, website, https://csgardener.com, and email address, contact@csgardener.com.
The marketing of CSG is as a limited-availability gardening service, by gardeners who love to garden.
Milestone objectives for CSG this year are to obtain and equip a suitable vehicle for gardening services, and implement administrative facilities for services management.
David Weeks, Registered Agent, Owner